
Pace University student Ashley Kaminski ’21 (right), representing Costa Rica in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly First Committee at the 2016 National Model UN conference in New York.

The 2016 National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York not only taught me much about other countries’ geography, culture, history and politics, but opened my eyes up to the most important mission of the United Nations: maintaining peace and harmony throughout the world. By attending NMUN, Model UN delegates learn that there are many global problems that have to be solved, and only one way to solve them: diplomacy.

Many people who have never been exposed to diplomacy may think it consists only of persuading others to accept one’s ideas. However, in reality, diplomacy allows individuals to network and manage international relations by representing a country in an effective way. Attending NMUN taught me that there is more to diplomacy than reading a definition in a textbook or analyzing an article about a world crisis. It is an experience that allows one to work toward the common good.

Model UN is a great experience that teaches individuals how to network and communicate with one another in a professional manner, and opens the door up to those interested in diplomacy. Not only do students communicate with one another about international issues, but feel gratified once their resolutions are drafted, finalized, and passed. Students have the opportunity to make connections with people all around the world, opening them up to new perspectives. With the help of this experience, we learn to fight for our world, not just our country, because everybody has a voice and we can ALL make a difference!

– Ashley Kaminski ‘21